A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Amazing Sponsor for SPIN in the Wheel 2024

As we dive headfirst into a brand-new year, we couldn’t be more thrilled to extend our heartfelt thanks to our incredible sponsor for making the SPIN in the Wheel 2023 event an absolute blast.

This is our second year running this shindig in the vibrant Pinoys in New Zealand community, where we’re all about serving our fantastic business owners and community members.

And let us tell you, our sponsor’s generosity has been nothing short of mind-blowing, helping us start the year with a bang and a whole lot of positive vibes!

SPIN in the Wheel event is the real deal in our community, and it’s something we can’t help but get super stoked about! It’s all about bringing together our local businesses and community members, creating the ultimate recipe for collaboration, empowerment, and growth. We’re not just talking about giving business owners a rad platform to showcase their products and services, but also encouraging our amazing community to rally behind our local heroes. We’re all about building a stronger community and boosting our local economy at the same time.

As we dive into this fresh year, we’re pumped beyond words for our sponsor’s unwavering commitment and support. Together, let’s kickstart the year with a massive dose of generosity and a burning desire to be the best versions of ourselves.

The SPIN in the Wheel event is just the beginning, my friends! We’re excited about the endless possibilities and the incredible impact we can create when we join forces. With our sponsor by our side, we’re on a mission to make this event an annual extravaganza that strengthens our community, supports local businesses, and inspires personal growth.

We’re forever grateful for their dedication to the Pinoys in New Zealand community, our business owners, and our incredible residents. Buckle up, folks, because together, we’re about to create a year that’s overflowing with good vibes, growth, and a brand-new you! Let’s do this!

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