Beyond Valentine’s Day: Finding Our Rhythm in Weekly Dates

I remember working a PM shift as a nurse many years ago when we were still living in Tauranga on Valentine’s Day. Coming home tired, I found Andrew had given me Cadbury Roses instead of flowers. Being a Filipina, steeped in a culture that adores all the dramas and the romance, I was initially upset and angry.

I had been used to receiving bouquets of flowers when I was single, so the absence of flowers on what’s supposed to be the most romantic day of the year felt like a letdown.

Andrew hates Valentine’s Day; he thinks it’s just a made-up date to commercialize and cash in. This difference in our views on romance and how to express love had sparked a moment of disappointment for me that night.

However, as I stood there, holding a box of chocolates but no flowers, I realized something. What was the point of being upset and allowing it to ruin this beautiful day we had together?

It was then we decided to introduce weekly dates into our routine, a tradition that we’ve held onto dearly.

Been married to Andrew for 9 years now, and it hasn’t always been a walk in the park. We’ve faced numerous challenges, from constant arguments to periods where our relationship seemed to lack the passion it once had. Both of us have demanding schedules, juggling work and our businesses, but we made a conscious decision to carve out time for these weekly dates. It’s our way of ensuring we don’t lose sight of what’s truly important—our connection and commitment to each other.

These weekly dates became our lifeline, our escape from the routine and the stress.

Whether it was a quick bite at a local coffee shop, a stroll in the park, or simply sitting together in silence, each date served as a reminder of why we chose each other. At times, I cook Italian dinner at home, light a candle, and play Italian music like we’re in Italy.

They helped us to communicate better, to laugh more, and to rediscover the joy in our relationship.

Reflecting on that Valentine’s Day years ago, I’m grateful for the lesson it taught us. Love isn’t about grand gestures or conforming to societal expectations; it’s about finding what works for you as a couple and cherishing those moments, big or small. Our weekly dates might not seem like much to others, but to us, they’re a testament to our love and dedication to each other.

They’re a reminder that, in the hustle and bustle of life, taking time to appreciate each other is what truly matters.

Looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing about that Valentine’s Day. It was a turning point for us, a moment that led us to create a tradition that has kept our marriage strong and vibrant. It’s proof that sometimes, it’s the simplest gestures and the commitment to make time for each other that form the foundation of lasting love, far beyond the confines of Valentine’s Day.

Call to Action: Decide to schedule your weekly date with your spouse. Find your favorite cafes, parks, or walking trails to explore together and cherish those moments of connection and love.

Weekly Date Tips:

  1. Try something new together, like a cooking class, pottery workshop, or hiking trail.
  2. Plan a surprise date for each other, taking turns to organize something special.
  3. Disconnect from technology during your date to fully focus on each other.
  4. Write love letters to each other and exchange them during your date.
  5. Share your dreams and goals for the future while enjoying a romantic dinner.
  6. Create a bucket list of activities you want to do together and start checking them off during your weekly dates.
  7. Take a mini-vacation together, even if it’s just for a day trip to a nearby town or attraction.
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