Celebrating a Decade of Community Service: A Heartfelt Thank You to Ate Lani

the Volunteer Admins few years ago before we realised we need a full-time paid Admin Team

❤️We’re so proud of our community, which has grown to an amazing 165,000 members in the past 12 years! It’s been a wonderful journey, and we couldn’t have done it without the support and love from everyone involved. Today, we want to take a moment to thank a very special person—Ate Lani.

A Huge Thank You to Ate Lani

For years, Ate Lani has dedicated her time and energy to keeping our community strong and helpful. Her hard work and compassion have made this group a safe place for all of us. We know that running such a big community isn’t easy. Every post and member has to be checked to make sure our group stays trustworthy and supportive.

The Backbone of Our Community

Ate Lani has been a true leader, but we also recognized that volunteer work alone couldn’t keep things running smoothly forever. That’s why we started a marketing business to help fund the group. Thanks to early supporters like Bobby Chua and Kuya Rex, we were able to hire a full-time admin team to help out. This keeps the group safe and well-managed.

Facing Challenges Together

We’ve faced many challenges, including a warning from Immigration NZ to keep our group safe and well-moderated. Despite these hardships, we’ve always stayed committed to serving our community. Even though we’ve had to reduce our admin team from five to three members due to financial constraints, our dedication remains strong.

Ate Lani is now focusing her efforts on Good Heart, a cause close to all of us. We encourage everyone to support Good Heart with donations, just as Ate Lani has always supported our community.

Keeping the Spirit Alive

We’re more than just a group; we are a family. We stay connected through webinars, newsletters, and events like group chats and dinner catch-ups. Our efforts are aimed at inspiring and supporting one another every day. It’s essential to keep in mind that this community thrives on everyone’s input and dedication.

A Warm Thanks

To Ate Lani and to everyone who contributes, whether through active participation or financial support, we say a big heartfelt thank you. Your role is crucial in keeping this community thriving. While our dream is to one day make a living doing this work we love, we continue to serve you with all our hearts for now.

Mabuhay, and thank you for being part of this incredible journey!

For your GOOD HEART DONATIONS, please click this link https://pinoys.co.nz/donations/goodheart/?

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