From the desk of GoodHeart Foundation

Welcome to our corner. And also the first week of autumn. Get ready for the cooler months ahead. Also we are looking forward to the arrival this weekend , of the new Labour Attache’ , Hon Antonio ( Tony) Mutoc. He replaced LabAtt Borja.

As the year has always been busy, we at GoodHeart are never idle. We are dealing with more termination as most companies are experiencing economic hardship, and was left with no choice but to terminate workers to stay afloat until we regain momentum in economy.

In that sense, more financial hardships for workers and were referred to DMW-Wellington for further assistance.

Some were referred to  employers , unfortunately, some do not meet the criteria. In this situation, many faced, there are stressful times and we assisted them in negotiating their payments in insurance/ car loans/ bank loans/ rent and other needs.

In saying this, we always advocate for financial literacy and budgeting. Make sure that you spend less than your earnings.

We are also in the planning stages of the return of KKK- KAALAMAN/ KALUSUGAN/ KARAPATAN. This is a face to face forum, bringing resource speakers with QA segments.

We are trying to establish LIST OF RESOURCES AND INFORMATION that our community can reach out if the need arises. With this in mind, we can reach out to those willing to give a little bit of extra time to the community, in their capacity as volunteers.

Please see attached schedules of the mobile consular services for the year 2025:

As attached is my report fie the year 2023-2024 as submitted to the Office of Charities, as a requirement, GoodHeart being a Charitable Trust.

In closing, on behalf of the Trustees, we thank the community for the support and encouragement accorded to us. We look forward to working with you and helping our Community to assimilate in mainstream New Zealand. We also encourage Filipinos to be a great role model and positive influence in partnership with NZ.

Signing off, until next issue 

Lani Larsen 


Chairman of GoodHeart 

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