Journey to the Dream Life :Celebrating 15 Years in New Zealand: Crestine Carson’s Inspiring Journey

Crestine, one of the admins of Pinoys in NZ, often reflects on her 15-year journey in New Zealand. She wonders if she’s truly happy, if she’s achieved a lot, and if all the sacrifices were worth it.

Her adventure began on a winter day in June 2009, marking her first trip overseas. The excitement and anxiety she felt are still vivid, alongside the memory of missing her first free airplane meal because she was fast asleep, exhausted from the journey.

Back then, Crestine didn’t even know where New Zealand was on the map. She mistakenly thought it was part of Europe, near Switzerland. Her first photo at Auckland airport was taken after a long five-hour wait due to a miscommunication.

The path to getting her nursing registration was filled with challenges, from failing English exams and medical tests to financial struggles that required her to borrow money from the bank.

At the age of 24, Crestine found herself working as a Registered Nurse in a new country, miles away from home. The job was tough, and she often worked six night shifts a week, leaving her feeling isolated and homesick. Buying her first car became a necessity, and she faced bullying that pushed her to change jobs and eventually move to Auckland.

Life began to improve in Auckland. Crestine embraced the Kiwi lifestyle, balancing work and leisure, thanks to her Kiwi flatmates. She made friends who brought happiness and turned into business partners.

She enjoyed her dating life, experiencing both joy and heartbreak until she met Andrew online. After a year, he proposed, and they had their dream wedding, followed by moving to Tauranga and buying their first home.

Throughout the years, Crestine lived in six different towns or cities across New Zealand and worked for seven different companies in various nursing roles.

Serving during the COVID-19 pandemic was one of the most fulfilling times in her career despite its challenges. She loved nursing but also understood the need for breaks.

In 2017, Crestine took a break from her full-time nursing career to spend time with her family in the Philippines and to pursue business ventures. She experienced successes and failures but continued to strive for financial freedom and the ability to help her family.

Her investment in personal growth and development proved invaluable, making her stronger and wiser. One of her proudest achievements was receiving her “black passport” after seven years, allowing her to travel more freely.

She visited various countries, including Asia, the United States, and enjoyed her dream European trip.

Crestine is active in the New Zealand Filipino community, helping promote local businesses and providing support.

Despite her accomplishments, she faces moments of doubt and sorrow, often questioning her happiness. She recognizes the importance of gratitude and staying strong for her loved ones, colleagues, and community.

A near-death experience last year reminded Crestine to slow down and be kinder to herself. It taught her to prioritize what truly matters in life, such as love, growth, contribution, and finding inner peace.

Crestine’s top 10 life values that have guided her include:

  • Love & Connection: Building deep, meaningful relationships.
  • Growth: Constant self-improvement.
  • Contribution: Giving back to the community.
  • Gratitude: Appreciating the blessings in life.
  • Passion & Purpose: Engaging in fulfilling activities.
  • Health & Vitality: Maintaining overall well-being.
  • Mindfulness & Presence: Being fully present in each moment.
  • Courage & Risk-Taking: Embracing challenges.
  • Happiness & Joy: Creating daily moments of joy.
  • Inner Peace & Fulfilment: Achieving inner calm and satisfaction.

Looking forward, Crestine is eager to start fresh in July 2024. She’s launching her new social media venture on Instagram, where she will share learnings and adventures. Seamlessly blending her dreams with practical steps, Crestine aims to build income streams through digital products and the knowledge industry without compromising her health and well-being.

We invite everyone to follow Crestine’s new journey. Your support will not only be appreciated but will also inspire many others in our community.

Thank you for the incredible 15 years, Crestine. Here’s to many more fulfilling years ahead!

Follow Crestine Carson’s Journey:

Instagram: journey_to_the_dreamlife

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