Ive been here in NZ for the last 12 yrs and some words here are new to me but pls take a look and let us know some funny experiences or some slangs you have encountered!

New Zealand, like any other country, has its own unique slang and colloquialisms. Here are some common New Zealand slang terms:

  1. Kiwi: A term used to refer to New Zealanders, as well as the country’s iconic flightless bird.
  2. Aotearoa: The Maori name for New Zealand, often used alongside the English name.
  3. Kia ora: A Maori greeting meaning “hello” or “thank you.”
  4. Sweet as: A phrase meaning “great” or “awesome.”
  5. Chur: An expression of agreement or appreciation, similar to “thanks” or “cheers.”
  6. Bro: Short for “brother,” used as a friendly term for a friend or acquaintance.
  7. She’ll be right: A phrase indicating that everything will be okay or sorted out.
  8. Jandals: New Zealand’s term for flip-flops or sandals.
  9. Togs: Swimming attire or swimsuit.
  10. Tramping: Hiking or trekking in the wilderness.
  11. Bach: A holiday home or beach house.
  12. Munted: Broken, damaged, or unusable.
  13. Marmite vs. Vegemite: A lighthearted rivalry between the two popular spreads, with Marmite being the preferred choice for many New Zealanders.
  14. Chilly bin: A cooler or icebox used to keep drinks and food cold.
  15. Pavlova: A popular dessert in New Zealand, a meringue-based cake topped with whipped cream and fruit.

These are just a few examples of New Zealand slang. The language is constantly evolving, so there are always new terms and expressions emerging.

However, New Zealand slang words are a language all on their own. To make sure you understand what the locals are saying, brush up on your New Zealand slang words and learn how to speak Kiwi.

Sounds sweet? Chur.


The meaning of sweet as sums up the truly laid-back attitude of New Zealanders. It can mean “thank you”, “it’s all good”, “no worries”, “you’re welcome”, and “that’s cool”.

As in: “I think we should visit the blue pools when in Wanaka.” “Sweet as, sounds good.”


Kiwis are a laid back bunch, so they have plenty of ways of expressing that everything will be okay. “She’ll be right” is classic Kiwi speak and another synonym for no worries, it’s all good, everything will be fine.


The meaning of chur is essentially thank you. You can use this classic Kiwi slang to show gratitude or appreciation.

As explained above, it can also mean “sweet as” or “that’s awesome”.

As in: “I’ll help you change your flat tyre.” “Chur, bro.”


Used in place of mate, man, or dude, you’ll hear Kiwis pepper their sentences with this word.

As in: ” Hey bro, how are you?” “I’m good, bro!”


“Choice” can be used to mean sweet, great, excellent, awesome, fantastic, or similar.

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