Sam Kodi: A Passionate Advocate for Financial Wellbeing

The story of Sam Kodi, founder of Smart Adviser, is one of resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment to financial wellbeing. His personal journey from Sri Lanka to New Zealand has deeply influenced the values and mission of Smart Adviser.

Early Life and Influences

Born and raised in Sri Lanka, Sam Kodi’s formative years were marked by the importance of family, hard work, and respect for others. Growing up in a household burdened by debt and financial anxiety, Sam learned firsthand the impact of financial struggles. These early experiences instilled in him a profound understanding that money represents choices, opportunities, and ultimately, freedom.

Overcoming Adversity

Despite the challenges posed by financial hardships and the Sri Lankan civil war, Sam was determined to achieve financial freedom. His journey led him to pursue higher education, culminating in an MBA from the University of Houston, USA. This achievement was a significant milestone, marking his transition from adversity to opportunity.

Professional Journey

With over 30 years of experience in finance, including the last 17 years in New Zealand, Sam has held various roles from the shop floor to senior management. His career includes positions at prominent institutions such as Deutsche Bank, NDB Bank, MARAC Finance, Westpac, ASB Bank, and Apex Advice Group. As a Registered Financial Advice Provider, Sam has been recognized with numerous awards for his exceptional work and dedication.

Vision for Smart Adviser

Sam’s vision for Smart Adviser is deeply rooted in his personal experiences. He understands that financial health is not just about wealth accumulation but about achieving overall wellbeing. His mission is to help clients navigate their financial journeys with confidence, providing tailored advice and holistic solutions that address individual needs and aspirations.

Commitment to Clients and Partnerships

At Smart Adviser, Sam and his team place clients at the heart of everything they do. They offer a wide range of services, including strategic financial and retirement planning, customised advice, brokerage services, financial coaching, and referrals to trusted partners for legal, accounting, tax, business, real estate, and wellbeing services. This comprehensive approach ensures that every aspect of a client’s financial health is addressed, helping them move closer to financial freedom.

Titanium Partnership with Pinoys in NZ

A significant aspect of our community engagement is our Titanium Partnership with Pinoys in NZ. This partnership reflects our commitment to providing tailored financial services to the Filipino community in New Zealand. Sam Kodi, as our Titanium Partner, brings a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the unique financial challenges and opportunities faced by the Filipino community. Through this partnership, we aim to offer specialized support and resources that empower Filipino families to achieve financial stability and growth.

A Trusted Advisor

Sam Kodi’s journey from a debt-ridden household in Sri Lanka to a successful financial adviser in New Zealand is a testament to his resilience and dedication. His story inspires trust and confidence, making him a reliable partner for anyone seeking to improve their financial health. The Filipino community in New Zealand can particularly benefit from Sam’s empathetic and personalized approach, rooted in his understanding of the challenges faced by those striving for financial stability and growth.

Explore how Sam Kodi and the Smart Adviser team, along with our Titanium Partnership with Pinoys in NZ, can support your financial journey. Coffee with Sam can take the first step towards achieving your financial goals and living a better life.

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